This Is a Record of the Lost Children Author: Hee-Jung Kwon
Publisher: Nal Publishing ☆★☆ An anthropologist’s investigation into the lives of children
who were denied names, lost their names, or whom we failed to welcome
▲How could a mother kill her own child? How could she abandon her baby? ▲Evolutionary history shows that female animals may kill their offspring at birth
if no male partner or group support (helpers) is available for rearing.
▲Children who were killed
because their mothers were widowed, impoverished, unmarried, or because they were female. ▲This book urges that every child born into this world should receive adequate care
and be treated as a complete and dignified being,
evoking a profound ethical empathy in its readers
- Hyun Mee Kim, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Yonsei University Hearing the stories of unwed mothers, care-leavers, and both domestic and international adoptees,
who are marginalized by our society's deeply ingrained "normal family ideology,"
is a vital first step toward welcoming and blessing every life that we encounter.
- Kihye Jeon Hong, Pressian journalist