- Headline:"Preventing “Vacation Babies” … Campaign to Curb the Rise in Unwed Mothers"
- Subheading: PPFK Launches Unique Campaigns at Mallipo and Daecheon Beaches
- Source: Kyunghyang Shinmun
- Date of Publication: July 31, 1974
- Summary:
The Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea (PPFK) has launched a unique campaign under the slogan "Let's Prevent Vacation Babies," running for ten days from July 26 to August 5 at Mallipo and Daecheon beaches in South Chungcheong Province. This effort comes in response to the rising number of unwed mothers linked to summer vacation activities over the past two to three years. For the first time this year, the PPFK has formed an "enlightenment team" to spearhead the campaign. At the campaign sites, permanent booths have been set up to display family planning information materials and contraceptive devices, provide counseling, and screen sex education films. In the 1970s, unwed mothers emerged as prominent figures in sensationalized news, framed as threats to family planning initiatives.
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